Author Archives: eco2

Eco2 signs AD and Biogas Industry Declaration to Prime Minister

Eco2 are delighted to have our name on the UK AD and Biogas Industry Declaration, submitted to the Prime Minister by ADBA last week.

The Declaration commits the AD and biogas industry to doing everything it can to deliver the greatest possible carbon reduction for the UK, and calls on the Government to develop a cohesive support strategy for the sector.

This could not be a more important time. The progress report published by the Committee on Climate Change last week described how this “defining year for the UK’s climate credentials has been marred by uncertainty and delay to a host of new climate strategies”. There is still a huge gap between the UK’s ambitions on greenhouse gas emissions, and the reality.

In the waste industry, huge progress in reducing emissions in the 1990s has gone into reverse, and emissions from the sector have actually begun rising again since 2015. We urgently need to turn this around.

With a supportive policy environment, the AD and biogas sector could deliver a 6% reduction in the UK’s total GHG emissions by 2030. That’s 30% of the CO2 savings needed to meet the 2030 carbon budget.

At full potential, the industry could deliver:

  • 30% of the saving needed to meet the 2030 carbon budget set out in the legally binding 5th Carbon Budget
  • 6% reduction in total UK GHG emissions, especially through tackling the hardest to decarbonise sectors: waste, agriculture, transport and heat
  • 27 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent saved – the equivalent of taking a third of all cars in the UK off the road.
  • 8 billion m3 of biomethane generated – enough to heat 6.4 million homes (23% of all UK households)
  • 60,000 direct and indirect jobs across the country
  • £20 billion investment into UK industry
  • 170 million tonnes of organic wastes recycled through AD

That is why the UK’s AD and biogas industry is calling on all levels of local and national government to develop an AD and green gas policy framework that brings together the multiple strands of work ongoing across government into a cohesive support strategy.

That includes supporting anaerobic digestion in agriculture, through introduction of a tariff premium for the treatment of manures and slurries, and a renewable biofertilizer obligation. Governments should also support the use of biomethane in transport, and promote investment in new biomethane plants for refuelling infrastructure. Governments should also target innovation funding that would drive improvements in AD performance, improving the sector’s international competitiveness and reducing the need for financial support.

At Eco2, we know the challenges anaerobic digestion plants face when trying to navigate the complex biomethane and electricity markets, and we know the value of innovation in boosting the performance of well-managed AD plants.

We are on a mission to ensure every AD asset has access to a capable, low-cost asset management service, driving better performance, maximising competitiveness and growing the industry so it can do all it can to help mitigate the climate crisis.

Read the AD Industry Declaration here.

Read more about how Eco2 can improve the performance of your AD plant.

Growth of EVs needs to be met with grid investment

We are really excited to see the outcome of this design competition, to make EV charging points as iconic as red telephone boxes.

Enthusiasm for electric vehicles is rapidly increasing. UK businesses are investing more than £15 billion in electrifying their vehicle fleets in the next year, and a third of businesses with company cars would consider installing EV charging points at employees’ homes. Alongside that, Ofgem is investing in 3,500 EV charging stations network around the UK’s towns and major road network.

All of this is extremely welcome. But with more and more of our vehicles and appliances powered by electricity rather than fossil fuels, major upgrades to the UK’s electricity infrastructure are becoming more and more urgent.

For renewable energy developers, the UK is like a house with no spare sockets. In areas of the country that are critically important for new wind and solar development, the electricity grid is already at capacity, inhibiting development of new renewable energy. Urgent investment in the electricity grid in remote parts of the country would unlock enormous potential for new renewable energy generation, reducing energy prices and enabling a smoother transition to a carbon-free future.

Public support for renewable energy is growing fast

It is clear that more and more of the public want to see taxpayers’ money shifted away from oil and gas to support new renewable energy instead. A new survey of more than 2,000 UK adults, published today, shows that 63% of the public want fossil fuel spending redirected to low-carbon industries such as wind and solar power.

This comes on the back of another poll carried out last month by YouGov for RenewableUK, that found that 45% of the public would pick renewable energy as their first priority for green investment from the Government, five times more than the next most popular option.

The same poll also showed public attitudes to renewable energy are changing, with a third of people saying they have a more positive opinion of onshore wind than they did five years ago.

With support for renewable energy increasing amongst business, Government and in communities, now is a great time to be investing in renewable energy. With Eco2’s experience across a wide range of renewables technologies, we are ready to support any renewable energy project, as an asset manager or as a developer for hire, or both.

ISO 9001:2015 certified

Eco2 recertified for BSI ISO:9001 standard

Eco2 are delighted to announce that we have been recertified for our ISO 9001 certificate from the British Standards Institution, the UK’s national standards body. Our leadership and objectives have been noted as particular positives, and the assessment could find no further opportunities to reduce risk in our company.

Our mission is to make renewables work and an important part of this is making sure that statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements are met when providing management services to such a wide range of renewable assets. We aim to deliver maximum performance for our clients and we are pleased that the assessment confirms the strength and credibility of Eco2’s management systems and our capabilities to deliver our ambitious objectives.

8 ways to improve your income from your anaerobic digester

Anaerobic digesters offer a great way to sustainably diversify a farm in a way that dovetails with the rest of your farming business.

An anaerobic digestion plant, even at small-scale, allows you to create additional value from slurry and waste, and to produce fertiliser and biofuels on-site.

And crucially, this can add another income stream for your farm, all while reducing the environmental impact of your business.

But running an anaerobic digester alongside the other demands of a busy farm can be a lot of work.

Between managing your feedstocks, negotiating deals on any biogas or electricity you sell, and the regulatory compliance, it can all become a bit of a handful, especially if it is not the main focus of your farming business.

But there are a few things you can do to help get the most out of your anaerobic digestion plant that could potentially mean a big increase in income for your farm, as well as some important tips to make the job of managing your plant easier.

So read on to find how to take some of the angst out of anaerobic digestion.


1. Sort out your anaerobic digester’s feedstock supply

Sourcing additional feedstock for your anaerobic digester from outside your farm can maximise the output of your anaerobic digester, and increase your profits from any biogas or electricity you sell.

If you source feedstock from outside your farm, then getting a good deal on that feedstock is essential.

There are a lot of variables to consider, from the gas yield that different crops will deliver, to their cost, and to the logistics of transporting them to your plant.

An experienced renewable energy Asset Manager with experience in biomass or anaerobic digestion should be able to help you access good quality feedstock at good prices.

Eco2, for example, manages several biomass plants and has access to a UK-wide network of biomass suppliers.

They can help you source suitable feedstocks, arrange logistics, and advise on the appropriate storage of the feedstock on-site.


2. Treat your digestate to produce higher-quality fertiliser

The digestate left as a by-product by anaerobic digestion can be treated to turn it into an effective fertiliser, but in its untreated state is mostly water, and difficult to dispose of properly.

There are strict regulations on what you can do with digestate, and all the additional water volume in untreated digestate means that it can be troublesome and expensive to store or move around.

Also, spreading untreated digestate on land also carries the risk of propagating invasive species, like black grass, which can be extremely difficult to remove from cereal crops.

But by treating the digestate from your anaerobic digester you can remove a large amount of the water content, leaving behind a thick, nutrient-rich slurry that is cheaper to store and to move, and far more useful as a convenient fertiliser.

Some larger-scale treatment processes can remove even more water content, producing dry fertiliser pellets.

Additionally, some treatment processes also pasteurise the digestate, neutralising invasive species like black grass, and bringing your digestate up to PAS110 standard, ensuring that it is a safe and reliable fertiliser.

Some older anaerobic digestion plants do not have their own digestate treatment facilities. But with a bit of investment, treatment facilities can be added to any AD plant, greatly increasing your plant’s performance and value to a farm.


3. Get a better deal on your Power Purchasing Agreement

If your anaerobic digestor includes a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) engine, and you sell electricity to the grid, make sure you get the best deal on your Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA).

The best rates are not the ones you can get ‘off the shelf’ from the biggest energy offtakers. Instead, producers can get better deals at PPA auctions.

This approach has typically only been available to large investment funds with vast portfolios of renewable energy, because they have the time, resources and contacts to put into hunting for the best deals.

But by employing a renewable energy Asset Manager like Eco2 to handle the financials of your anaerobic digester, even owners of relatively small plants can get a better deal from the sale of electricity. Get in touch with Eco2’s asset management team to find out how they can help you.


4. Sell your biogas for road transport fuel, instead of heating

Most gas from anaerobic digesters usually gets sold into the gas grid. But there are other markets for biogas that might prove more lucrative for your farm business.

For example, many farms with an anaerobic digestion plant can make more by selling biogas to the road fuel market.

As well as the revenues from your fuel sales, you also earn RTFCs (Renewable Transport Fuel Certificates), which themselves can be traded, as they are needed by big fuel companies who can’t obtain enough of their supplies from renewable sources.

The value of RTFCs varies with the market, but in recent times, waste-fed AD plants have been able to earn more through the RTFC mechanism for transport fuels than via the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) tariff for gas for heating.

And in January 2021, the Government raised the buy-out price ceiling for RTFCs from 30p per litre to 50p per litre, meaning anaerobic digestion plants can get even more income for gas sold for transport fuel.

It is always worth hiring a dedicated Asset Manager to help make sense of the different markets for biogas, and the different subsidy regimes attached to them.

The Green Gas Support Scheme, which will be introduced later in 2021, will also introduce additional flexibility to trade gas into the transport fuel market at the same time as trading gas for heating.


5. Increase the amount of waste in your feedstocks

Selling biogas for road transport fuel can net you a tidy profit with RTFC trading. But if you are using a large amount of non-waste products in your feedstock, you could be missing out on even bigger gains with RTFCs.

Because of the way the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation works, the greater the waste content in your biogas, the more RTFCs you can earn by producing it.

So, if you are selling into the road fuel market, you can double your income from RTFCs by replacing crop feedstocks with wastes. That could be waste straw, waste animal manure, or food waste.


6. Understand the differences between RTFO and RHI subsidies

It is also important to know how the different subsidy schemes work. If you are selling your biogas for heating, then your gas only qualifies for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) if it contains at least 50% waste content.

This works like a cliff-edge: you get no subsidy at all for less than 50% waste, and no additional benefit for going far over the threshold.

By contrast, the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) system works on a sliding scale, rewarding producers for each additional unit of waste in their feedstock.

In each quarterly reporting period, you can only claim for either the RHI or the RTFO, not both.

But you can still switch between them at the end of each quarter. This offers you some scope to choose different markets for your biomethane, taking advantage of commercial opportunities.

But however you do it, you can only claim either the RHI or RTFCs in any given quarter.

If you don’t have an anaerobic digester yet but you’re thinking of investing in one, you should know that the RHI scheme is now closed to new applicants (but will continue for plants already registered with it), and new anaerobic digesters will need to register for the Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS) instead, which opens in Autumn 2021.

The GGSS offers much more freedom than the RHI, and will allow you to claim RTFCs on whatever you sell to the road transport market and GGSS on whatever you sell for heating, in the same quarter.

This will give new AD plants much more flexibility in where they sell their gas. Unfortunately, AD plants that are already registered with RHI can’t switch over to GGSS, at least not in the foreseeable future.

The continually changing landscape of the biogas subsidies, along with the shifting market conditions and changing feedstock standards, means it can be tricky to work out which market is best to sell your gas to.

But for a bespoke solution designed to maximise the profitability of your anaerobic digester, speak to an expert renewable energy asset manager, like Eco2.


7. Capture and sell the CO2 from your anaerobic digester

Increasing production of renewable biofuels, including from anaerobic digestion, is important to meeting the all-important goal of Net Zero greenhouse gases by 2050.

Anaerobic Digestion is a carbon-neutral process. Yet counter-intuitively it often releases a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere.

That’s because the CO2 released during the anaerobic digestion process would be released anyway if the biomass were left to decompose naturally in the open air.

But instead of releasing this CO2, the carbon from anaerobic digesters can actually be captured, to either be stored or used elsewhere.

This is called Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, or CCUS. With CCUS, anaerobic digestion turns from a carbon-neutral activity into one that is carbon-negative, actively reducing the net amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere and doing more to tackle climate change.

This isn’t just good for the planet. It can be good for your profits too. While CCUS technologies in other industries can be quite difficult and costly, the process of capturing CO2 in anaerobic digestion is actually quite straightforward.

Adding a CO2 liquefaction plant to your anaerobic digester means you can capture CO2, and then sell it for use in everything from refrigerators and fire extinguishers to food products and chemical processes.

These applications are always going to need CO2, but sourcing it from anaerobic digestion rather than non-renewable sources reduces the amount of greenhouse gases we release into the atmosphere overall.

Captured, liquefied CO2 can be sold for around £120 per tonne, and solid CO2 (which requires cooling even further) is worth even about £600 per tonne.

So as well as helping to combat climate change, you can also make even more money from your anaerobic digester by selling CO2 as well.


8. Hire an asset manager to take care of your anaerobic digester

If all these ideas seem like they would create too much work for you, don’t worry. The simplest way to get the most out of your anaerobic digester is to get a dedicated Asset Manager involved who can do all this for you.

Renewable energy Asset Managers are experts in the administrative and technical management of renewable energy plants, such as wind, solar or biomass plants, or anaerobic digestors.

Some Asset Managers specialise in just dealing with large-scale renewable energy projects, or focus on one or two renewable technologies, like wind energy.

But others, like Eco2, handle all kinds of renewable energy, including biomass and anaerobic digestion, meaning that they have a wide network of contractors and suppliers, as well as teams around the UK.

Eco2 have been managing and improving the performance of biomass assets for 15 years and are now a one-stop-shop to handle the financial, technical, fuel procurement and regulatory management of all kinds of renewable energy plants, including anaerobic digesters.

They deal with everything from the negotiation of PPA deals, to optimising your feedstock, managing subsidies and reporting to OFGEM, to managing monitoring, maintenance and regulatory compliance.

With highly competitive fees, a Management Services Agreement from Eco2 could easily pay for itself through expert management of your anaerobic digester, while freeing you up to focus on the other demands of your farm and your business.

Wind Turbine

UK Transition to a Low-Carbon Future
2021 Budget

The March 2021 Budget announcements included several welcome initiatives to support the UK’s transition to a low-carbon future.

Eco2 is particularly happy to see the inclusion of a Biomass Feedstocks Programme in the Net Zero Innovation Fund. This programme will look at ways to increase the production of sustainable green energy crops. As the UK’s leader in biomass fuel procurement, Eco2 is looking forward to the possibilities this research could bring to the biomass industry.

Private investment is key to the low-carbon transition, and so we welcome the initiatives to support private investment in green industries, particularly through capitalisation of the National Infrastructure Bank. This is expected to support at least £40bn of investment in ‘green’ infrastructure projects. We wait to see exactly how much of this investment will be dedicated directly to renewable energy and other decarbonisation projects.

We are also eager to see what comes of the new green savings bonds aimed at retail investors. A large consumer savings glut has built up during the pandemic, and these green bonds may help put that money to good use in the renewable energy sector.

We look forward to seeing more details of these policies.

Eco2 Biomass Developer

ADBA Annual Conference 2021

Eco2’s team were delighted to make our debut at The Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA)‘s Conference this year.

We made some great new contacts in the AD and biogas industry, and learned about some innovative new technologies that could improve financial returns for AD projects.

It was also great to hear more about the Green Gas Support Scheme, coming later this year. We will be looking closely at how the scheme might offer more flexibility for AD projects, while also supporting AD owners to improve air quality and land use. We look forward to preparing our clients to get the most out of the GGSS when it launches in autumn.

If you missed us at the ADBA conference and would like to find out how Eco2 can help you get the most out of your Anaerobic Digestion plant, get in touch with us at

The Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA)8,1

Are you getting the best out of your AD asset?

ADBA are delighted to have Eco2 sponsoring our National Conference 2021, 16-17 February! Book your ticket today to see them on their virtual table!

Eco2 are the UK’s leading renewable energy asset manager, with over 15 years’ experience in the sector.

Eco2’s teams manage wind, solar and bioenergy plants on behalf of the UK’s biggest renewables investment funds, and can deliver the same savings and economies of scale to small AD plants too.

Whether it is sourcing parts or feedstock at competitive pricing, or negotiating better PPAs with power off-takers, your asset will perform better with Eco2.

Find out more here:

Eco2 Wind Development

2021 Optimism for Renewables and the Climate

One month into 2021 there are lots of reasons to be optimistic for the renewables sector and the climate. Even while we still deal with the disruption and grief caused by coronavirus, there is still cause for hope.

In just over a week, we’ve seen the US take the lead again on climate action, global popular consensus on the climate emergency, and the world’s biggest asset manager demand that polluters get serious about Net Zero.

The new US President, Joe Biden, has already signed over 50 executive orders on the climate crisis, including re-joining the Paris Agreement and setting new targets for renewable energy. The Canadian Prime Minister has also just pledged billions more dollars for emissions reduction and increased Canada’s carbon tax.

A global UN poll found this week that two thirds of the world’s people agree that we face a climate emergency (81% in the the UK), and there is global consensus for more solar, wind and renewable energy.

Even BlackRock this week threatened to sell shares in the biggest polluters, with their CEO declaring “No issue ranks higher than climate change on our clients’ lists of priorities.”

With news like this, and the COP26 climate summit in November, we are hopeful that this could be the year the world turns a corner in the climate emergency.

Government 10 Point Plan – December 2020

Eco2 welcomes the Prime Minister’s 10-point plan for a Green Industrial Revolution. The renewables industry in the UK is world-leading and there is a thriving investment community that is ready and willing to fund this revolution.

A lack of structured and joined-up policy has left the renewables sector in a holding pattern for the last few years. Yet the sector is ready and willing to deliver a green energy revolution if this statement is backed up with considered and structured support mechanisms.

Eco2 is a British company that has been making renewables work for the UK for more than 15 years. As part of the UK’s thriving renewable energy sector, we will help lead this revolution, and we want to work with the Government to develop their plan further.

REA Green Recovery Report
February 2020

Great report published by the Renewable Energy Association today, setting out their plans for a successful green recovery. Among the policy recommendations, the report highlights energy efficiency and reducing VAT rates as key to unlocking a Net Zero economy. The REA is calling on the Chancellor to implement these recommendations in his economic update next week and comes in the same week as the Prime Minister set out the first stage of the UK’s economic recovery.

Read the full report here