Author Archives: eco2

Eco2 Management Services
Quality Policy Statement

Eco2 Management Services Ltd who provide construction, fuel supply chain, financial and other management services in relation to the operation of renewable energy projects is committed to providing professional services to the highest standard according to customers’ expectations and to communicating openly and honestly. We ensure that this quality policy statement is communicated, understood and consistently applied within the organisation and provides a framework for setting measurable quality management objectives. This policy statement is periodically reviewed for continuing suitability and to ensure that it meets the ongoing needs of the organisation. Our business will be conducted according to the following principles:

We will:

  • Comply with all applicable legislation and regulations and conduct our business in an ethical and professional manner at all times, meeting and satisfying all applicable requirements.
  • Follow a concept and commitment to continual improvement of our Quality Management System (QMS) and lessons learnt through effective teamwork and strive to achieve, maintain and build on a level of quality following a right first time ethic, utilising feedback that through meeting expectations enhances our delivery and reputation across our customer base.
  • Analyse business performance results to enable us to measure the effectiveness of our QMS and our commitment to continual improvement. In turn, we will also communicate internally the importance of quality and reliability and the subsequent impact on both customer satisfaction and all management services that we deliver.
  • Maintain this Policy Statement under formal document control and make it available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate.

Darren Williams
Chief Executive